Wild Expeditions

Hwange National Park, Masoala National Park & Omo Valley
Zimbabwe, Madagascar & Ethiopia

A pioneering collective of owner-run safari camps and expeditions operating in remote parts of Africa

These experiences are best suited to travellers who truly understand and value the concept of wild and immersive journeys. The luxury offered is access to extraordinary places and experiences that are only available to a few discerning travellers each year.

bucket list experiences

From Ethiopia and Madagascar, to Zimbabwe and some epic adventures in-between, Wild Expeditions is firmly leading the way in providing travellers with experiences across unique parts of Africa which honour the habitats, wildlife and people of these environments. 

At Lale’s Camp in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia’s cultural melting pot, excursions are made to isolated villages of Kara, Hamer and Mursi tribes. From Masoala Forest Lodge you explore Madagascar’s largest remaining tract of lowland rainforest, a haven of biodiversity and endemism with lemurs and many other wildlife wonders. While at Camp Hwange you get back to the roots of safari with leading Zimbabwean guides, where you walk, drive, watch, wait and immerse with the pace of nature.

These seemingly disconnected experiences are united by passionate founders who share 3 fundamental beliefs: Firstly, that ecotourism, as a central pivot of the wildlife economy, is a critically important driver of African conservation. Secondly, rural people (often neighbours or owners of conservation areas) are a vital part of modern conservation. Thirdly, the planet, its ecosystem services and its biodiversity are a shared natural heritage and an understanding of, and connection with, nature is necessary for the future of the human race.

The future of Africa’s wildest places and traditional tribes increasingly requires conscious and intrepid travellers seeking these bucket list journeys, together with brave stakeholders who are committed to providing meaningful and immersive travel experiences.  

We invite you to take a Wild Expedition.



Camp Hwange:
US$ 480 – US$ 798
per person per night

Masoala Forest Lodge:

Fixed arrival adventures from EUR 1 730 per person for 3 nights.

Lale’s Camp:

Exclusive use rate from US$ 760 per person per night.


Camp Hwange:
All ages

Masoala Forest Lodge:
All ages

Lale’s Camp:
10+ years


Camp Hwange Fly:
Daily scheduled charter from Victoria Falls to Giraffe Springs & transfer to camp

Camp Hwange Drive:
Victoria Falls to camp via Hwange Main Camp

Masoala Forest Lodge Fly:
Seat rate charter from Antananarivo to Maroantsetra on Sun & Wed, & road/boat to camp

Lale’s Camp Fly:

Daily scheduled flight from Addis Ababa to Jinka & road/boat to camp

Classic Portfolio Since 1993

What we love

Classic Portfolio Since 1993


Extraordinary places and experiences that are only available to a few discerning travellers.


Operating in some of the most remote and least-established destinations on the African continent.


Expedition style experiences on an exclusive basis, often led by a private guide. Each day is designed to suit your interests.


When travelling with Wild Expeditions positive impact is achieved through supporting a viable ecotourism operation.

Wild Expeditions

The impact of your stay

In the case of Ethiopia and Madagascar, Wild Expeditions Africa operates in some of the more remote and least-established destinations on the African continent. The positive impact of a viable ecotourism operation existing in areas like these on both biodiversity conservation and community engagement cannot be under-estimated. This is precisely why Wild Expeditions do operate where they do. Every guest who stays with Wild Expeditions contributes to the cause and these positive impacts simply by choosing to travel with them.

Every stay contributes through:

 Some of the more tangible outputs of this contribution are outlined as follows:


  • In addition to the annual fee paid for our private concession, included in the nightly rate are guest park fees and a conservation levy that helps fund the operation of the national park.
  • The primary conservation focus at Camp Hwange has been collaboration with independent research and conservation organisations working within Hwange. These range from Bhejane Trust, Hwange Lion Research and Painted Dog Conservation who they are able to support as a result of guests staying at the camp.
  • A major threat to wildlife conservation in Africa is growing human populations and the resultant reduction in natural habitat and increases in human-wildlife-conflict. Camp Hwange work with NGO, Children in the Wilderness (CITW), hosting children for what is often their first experience of wildlife inside a national park. Aside from the educational aspect of such experiences the children are also able to understand employment and career opportunities in ecotourism and conservation.



  • Masoala Forest Lodge is the largest tourism contributor to the operational costs of Masoala National Park, through park fees paid by every guest.
  • Surplus revenue generated by the lodge has been dedicated to either buying or leasing land that has created a buffer zone of some 83ha of coastal rainforest that was under threat from deforestation. No fewer than 10 lemur species have been recorded here. 
  • In the small local village of Ambodiforaha, Masoala Lodge has focused efforts on education and women’s empowerment.



  • The existence of Lale’s Camp enables the protection of approximately 400ha of land along 9,5km of Omo riverbank. This prevents overgrazing and deforestation and allows the continued existence of habitat for 5 different primate species.
  • Cultural tourism conducted ethically and responsibly has the power to celebrate and entrench traditional culture on the terms of the owners of that culture themselves. Lale’s Camp do this in partnership with the local Kara, Hamar and Mursi communities.


Classic Portfolio Since 1993


Wild Expeditions
Camps & Lodge

River, ocean, or savanna



Camp Hwange

Founded in 2010 by Dave Carson, well known chief guide examiner for the Zimbabwe Professional Guides Association, Camp Hwange’s location is strategic. This private concession in the central part of Hwange lies between the rugged mopane woodlands to the north and the sandy soil teak forests to the south-west; it’s location here on this open savannah ecotone means that game viewing is as diverse as its habitat types.

Aside from fantastic game viewing, especially in the drier months from April through to November, Camp Hwange offers an excellent guided experience with a strong emphasis on walking and tracking

A rustic, traditional camp of eight canvas-walled units beneath cooling thatch, Camp Hwange overlooks one of the natural waterholes that make this part of Hwange National Park special.


  • Exceptional dry season game viewing of hundreds of elephant and many other species like buffalo, giraffe, sable, zebra, the resident lion pride and more;
  • Excellent guides and interpretive guiding, especially on foot;
  • The opportunity to observe Africa’s mega-fauna on foot, from logpile hides or from 4×4 vehicle.

SEASONALITY: Open all year.

CHILDREN: All ages welcome (children under 12 are not permitted on walking safaris).

Camp Hwange

7 chalets
1 family chalet

from US$ 480 per person per night
All meals and drinks
Day & night game drives
Walking safaris
Mobile phone signal



Masoala Forest Lodge

The Masoala Peninsula is a haven of biodiversity and endemism and perfectly suited to those seeking a rich Madagascan wildlife experience. Accessible only by boat, Masoala Forest Lodge is a perfect castaway retreat lovingly built over two decades by modern day adventurers Pierre and Maria Bester.

The seven rooms are traditional African safari tents, raised on stilted decks within the forest canopy and overlooking the beach. The cool breeze off the ocean or through the rainforest acts as natural air conditioning with the tents and their gauze windows oriented for maximum through drafts. 


  • Madagascar’s largest remaining intact rainforest and largest national park;
  • Exceptional biodiversity and endemism with flagship charismatic species like Red Ruffed Lemur, White-fronted Lemur and Helmet Vanga found nowhere else on the island;
  • Pristine private beaches where the rainforest comes down to the sea.

Arrivals are on Sundays for the 3-, 7-, and 10-night adventures, and Wednesdays for the 4-, 7-, and 11-night adventures only.

SEASONALITY: Closed annually from mid-Jan to mid-April.

CHILDREN: All ages welcome.

Masoala Forest Lodge

7 Treehouses
Sunday & wednesday fixed arrivals
minimum stay 3 nights

from EURO 1 730 per person per package
All meals and drinks
Day & night forest walks
Snorkelling and kayaking
Traditional Pirogues
Whale watching (seasonal mid June - mid Sept)
Interactions with the local Malagasy
Road and boat transfers to lodge
WiFi (limited)
Mobile phone signal


Lower Omo Valley

Lale's Camp

Lale’s Camp was co-founded more than two decades ago by the legendary guide Lale Birwa, this idyllic and ultra-remote camp is situated under the cooling shade of tamarind trees on the banks of the Omo River. 

From this comfortable base excursions are made to isolated villages of Kara, Hamer and Mursi people. Remote from the main tourist circuit, guests at Lale’s are the only foreigners who visit the area, making Lale’s Camp a unique place and experience. Quite simply, there is nothing else like it in Ethiopia.


  • This is the most authentic low impact way to experience the tribal cultures of the lower Omo Valley (Kara, Hamer, Mursi);
  • Integrated into, and benefitting, the local Kara community;
  • The opportunity to encounter unusual wildlife species as well as traditional cultures in a truly remote and disconnected region.

SEASONALITY: Closed annually in April.

CHILDREN: 10+ years and older welcome.

Lale's Camp

7 Tents
exclusive use only
min 2 guests, max 12 guests
Minimum stay 3 nights

from US$ 760 per person per night
All meals and drinks
Various cultural interactions
Boat cruises
Fly Camping
Airstrip transfers
Mobile phone signal


Expedition Blue Lagoon

exclusive use only
min 2, max 6 guests
Available on 10 or 11 night stays

from EURO 3 850 per person for 10 nights
Accommodation, meals and drinks
Transfers between Maroantsetra, Masoala Forest Lodge & Blue Lagoon
All expedition activities
All community and park fees
WiFi (limited)
Mobile phone signal

Masoala, Madagascar

Blue Lagoon

Powdery white beaches, palm trees and impossibly blue waters dominate everyone’s imagination of tropical island escapes. Even better if there is no one else there.

This is the case at Cap Masoala, the destination of our Blue Lagoon Expedition, where time might as well have stood still for the past few hundred years. Rural people survive here on a subsistence lifestyle and over the past 20 years have accepted us and our guests as part of the community.

On this expedition you combine the core area of Masoala rainforest with exploring the Blue Lagoon, its beaches, fringing reefs and offshore islets by kayak and by outrigger pirogue, walking the shores and snorkelling the coves while still finding time for night walks in search of lemurs and sundowners on old crumbling colonial lighthouses. Simple food, fresh air and midday siestas in shady hammocks are the order of the day.


  • One of the greatest luxuries in the modern world is space and the ability to experience the planet as it was hundreds of years ago;
  • Kilometres of white sand beaches, calm, warm waters, fringing reefs, offshore islets, mangrove rivers and coastal forests;
  • The knowledge that the closest fellow tourist is at least 40km away.

START & END: Maroantsetra: Sundays for the 10-night adventure / Wednesdays for the 11-night adventure

SEASONALITY: Closed annually from mid-Jan to mid-April.

CHILDREN: All ages welcome.

Expedition Ethiopian Wolf

exclusive use only
min 2, max 8 guests
Minimum stay 3 nights

from US$ 875 per person per night
Accommodation, meals and drinks
Road transfers from and to Robe
All expedition activities
All community and park fees
Mobile phone signal

Bale Mountains, Ethiopia

Ethiopian Wolf

The Ethiopian Highlands, and the Ethiopian Wolf and other endemic fauna and flora that survive there, are relics of a long-forgotten age.

Isolated islands in the sky harbour the last populations of this striking and charismatic creature (at any one time the global population is between 250 and 500 animals). Like these ‘red jackals’, just about everything up here – plants, birds, mammals, scenery – is different from the rest of Africa. The age of the landscape, the solitude, and the unique environment cannot fail to make an impact on you.

On this expedition, as we search for wolves, we explore all of the accessible parts of the Bale ecosystem – from the grasslands at Gaysay, to the juniper woodlands at Dinsho, the plateau at Sanetti and more – in search of other species like Mountain Nyala, Menelik’s Bushbuck and the Bale Monkey, not to mention birds like Blue-winged Goose and a veritable feast of raptors.


  • Privileged private viewing of Ethiopian wolves in their highest density areas;
  • Exceptional Afro-alpine ecosystem and solitude;
  • High quality viewing of large mammal endemics like Mountain Nyala and Menelik’s Bushbuck, as well as Giant Mole-Rat, myriad endemic birds and otherworldly plants like Giant Lobelia.

START & END: Private charter access to Robe airstrip followed by a 50km drive to camp.

SEASONALITY: Due to rainfall this expedition is not operated over the months of May, June, July and August.

CHILDREN: Any age are welcome as long as they have an adventurous spirit, can keep an open mind and will be happy to stay off a mobile device.

Expedition Danakil Depression

exclusive use only
min 2, max 8 guests
Minimum stay 3 nights

from US$ 1 018 per person per night
Accommodation, meals and drinks
Road transfers from and to either/both Semera and Mekele airports
All expedition activities
All community and park fees
Mobile phone signal

Danakil Desert, Ethiopia

Danakil Depression

Together with Africa’s highest peaks, Ethiopia is also home to one of the lowest altitude areas on the planet, the Danakil Depression … an area lying at the junction of three tectonic plates and the northernmost point of Africa’s Great Rift. Scorching hot, achingly barren and climatically inhospitable, this harsh terrain is not for everyone. It is however utterly spectacular, both in terms of landscape as well as culture, and the effort to reach it is well worthwhile. The garish multicoloured thermal springs at Dallol, the molten lava lake of the active Erta Ale volcano and the hypersaline lake at Afrera are all unique.

At more than 100m below sea level at its lowest points, the Danakil is surreal not just in terms of its otherworldly appearance but also in terms of the existence of a centuries old salt trade and camel caravans that carry salt tablets for trading in small towns to the west. Wild Expeditions cannot promise comfort here but they do promise adventure and reflection.


  • Spectacular geological and geothermal formations and processes including an active lava lake;
  • The forced reflection imposed on you by one of the most inhospitable parts of the planet;
  • Because there is nowhere else on earth quite like this!

TART & END: Arrive with scheduled flight access from Addis to Mek’ele. Depart from Semera on a scheduled flight to Addis.  

SEASONALITY: Due to high ambient temperatures Danakil is not operated over the months of May, June, July and August.

CHILDREN: Any age are welcome as long as they have an adventurous spirit, can keep an open mind and will be happy to stay off a mobile device.

Wild Expeditions

Free Flight Combo

Stay 3 nights or more at each Camp Hwange and Fothergill and receive a free one-way Mack Air flight from Hwange to Fothergill.

Min 2 guests.

Valid: until Nov 2023 & 1 Apr – 30 Nov 2024

Wild Expeditions
featured journey

Explore Ethiopia

Seek Africa's rarest, and most threatened carnivore species.

Wild Expeditions
featured journey

Magnificent Madagascar

Explore untouched beaches and forests that feel as if time has stood still for a few hundred years.


Getting there


As as one Africa’s top attractions, Victoria Falls has excellent international and regional access. This makes a combination with most other destinations in Southern Africa very easy. 

Domestic connections, most scheduled charter flights, are very good.


As an ex French colony flight access from Europe is best via France. 

Antananarivo is serviced by Air France, Ethiopian Airways, Kenyan Airways, Airlink (from Johannesburg) and Air Madagascar.

Domestic connections are limited.


As one of Africa’s most well serviced airports, access to Addis Ababa is easy and affordable from most places in the world. 

Serviced by Ethiopian Airways, Qatar, EgyptAir, Kenyan Airways, RwandAir and Turkish Airlines. 

Domestic connections are good.


Getting to Camp Hwange


Daily scheduled charter flights from Victoria Falls to Giraffe Springs Airstrip (20-30 min flight), followed by a 40 minute game drive into camp. 


From Victoria Falls, drive to Hwange Main Camp, followed by a 2-3 hour game drive to camp. 


Getting to Masoala Forest Lodge


Easy access from Antananarivo. 

Scheduled charter flights every Sunday and Wednesday with seat rates between Antananarivo and Maroantsetra. 

Meet the team from Masoala Forest Lodge followed by a short road transfer (20 mins) to the ocean and a very scenic 2 hour boat transfer to Masoala Forest Lodge.


Getting to Lale's Camp

FLY, drive & boat

Daily seat rate on scheduled flight between Addis Ababa and Jinka (2hrs). Meet the team from Lale’s Camp and embark on a  a guided road transfer (4-5 hours) followed by a boat transfer (30-40 mins) up on Omo River into camp.


Private charter between Addis Ababa and Murule Airstrip (1hr30mins) followed by a boat transfer (30-40 mins) up the Omo River into camp.


Getting to Ethiopian Wolves

FLY & drive

ARRIVE: Private charter flight from Addis Ababa (50 minutes) or Lale’s Camp to the small town of Robe on the edge of the Bale Mountains massif.  Meet the Wild Expeditions guide and vehicle and drive 50kms through the rural countryside to the valley where the camp has been set up.

DEPART: Back to Robe to connect with an onward charter flight.


Getting to Danakil Expedition

FLY & drive

ARRIVE: Connect with a scheduled flight between Addis Ababa and the small town of Mek’ele in northern Ethiopia (1hr). Mek’ele is 2,200m above sea level and here you meet the team from Wild Expeditions. Begin the fascinating guided road transfer (4-5 hours) as you head 200km eastwards down the escarpment and into the desert of the Danakil Depression to where the camp is set up.

DEPART: Either back to Mek’ele or if the full expedition is being done, then the trip ends on the southern section of the Depression in the small town on Semera. Here you connect with scheduled flights to Addis Ababa.




+27 71 359 8322

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm.Â